EMU 6400 EOS Update Nightmare HELP!

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EMU 6400 EOS Update Nightmare HELP!

Postby radioactive » Mon May 21, 2007 5:52 pm

Hi, here's what i've posted on dogsonacid yesterday:

So i've got myself this nice shiny E6400 Ultra just like new with a nylon on the display, the data wheel was a little fucked but i re-calibrated it propa and it works fine now, wicked! It has 64mb Ram, 8mb CPU RAM, and 4mb Flash, and 18gb internal hardisk. It comes with EOS 4.5, and as far i've heard i need at least 4.7 to control filter resonance and bare peak-shelf nastiness in real-time innit, so i decided to update...

First of all i've downloaded EOS470.EXE and found a pair of clean floppies to begin with. I've formatted the floppies and started this .exe, typed "a" to select drive A as it says in the manual, and the shit stops at 2%. Tried a different floppy and it quits at 16%, then i tried formatting the floppy in the sampler but it didn't helped at all, it doesn't goes beyond 18%. I tried at least 5 different floppies, and nothing. Then i thought maybe i'm doing something wrong by running this app in WinXP, because it looks like it's built for Win98, however it works or it doesn't, well it doesn't.

I said "fuck it" and searched emusonacid.com for some alternative solution, and decided to go the midi route instead of messing with those floppies... I've downloaded the EMU E-Loader from emu.com, installed the fucker and did everything "by the book" as it says in the manual, and started updating, just to see the sampler telling me "ERROR Downloading, MIDI: Wrong Length, Press Enter to continue", i tried again and again, i tried to switch USB ports on my MIDI Interface, tried to disconnect the internet and the USB mouse because i thought maybe it interferences with the data transfer in one way or another, tried restarting everything, shutting down waiting couple of minutes and then starting again and again, searching emusonacid.com for a different solution with no luck, then trying again one more time to see maybe it will finally work, but with no success... The best results were getting as far as 63%, but it happened only once...


Maybe it's something small that i just forgot about, maybe it's something very simple that i just didn't thought of, or maybe i shouldn't fix it when it's ain't that fucking broken YET? YouFoss is a fag seen!

Help plz! :shock:

Right now i've tried it again with MIDI on my flatmate's computer, same results. :cry:

Yay i made it to 78% with a midi transfer! :slayer:

Verification failed though... :cry:

There's anything i'm doing wrong here?
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Joined: Mon May 21, 2007 5:11 pm

Postby Adam-V » Mon May 21, 2007 11:53 pm

The image executable you downloaded should work fine if you run it from the command line. Copy the EOS470.EXE file to something like c:\temp and run it from there. In my experience the image extractors don't play well where long path and file names are involved.

Also, some people have found it helps if you format the floppies on the emu rather than the PC.

Hope this helps.
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Postby radioactive » Tue May 22, 2007 3:57 am

Already tried that, tried formatting in the emu and the pc with a dozen floppies and at certain point i'm always getting this error:

Code: Select all
Restoring A:, Head 0, Track 0, Sector #1-18
Error #9, Aborting
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Postby radioactive » Tue May 22, 2007 5:08 am

Ok, so i tried a MIDI transfer once again but now used my old Serial MIDI interface instead of the new USB one and it finally worked! :slayer: :slayer: :slayer:
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Postby Adam-V » Tue May 22, 2007 11:38 pm

Glad you got it sorted out.

It might be worth while, now that you have the OS installed, making an OS Disk from within your e6400 in case it crashes in the future (and it will). There is a menu item somewhere that allows you to write the OS back to floppy from flash. I can't recall where it is though. I am not in a position to access my samplers at the moment so perhaps someone else can chime in here with that info.

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Postby radioactive » Wed May 23, 2007 3:29 am

Thnks for the advice man, that's a good idea. :thumbs:

I suppose my floppy drive on the PC was a little bit fucked and that's why i couldn't create a system floppy, i've looked inside and the amounts of dust makes it look like the insides of a vacuum cleaner lol. About MIDI transfer, first i've tried at least 20 times with my M-Audio MidiSport Uno USB interface and it didn't worked, but when i switched to my 10 years old Opcode Studio64X serial interface it worked like a charm from the first attempt! Maybe it has something to do with the stability of the USB ports, and maybe the Opcode has some built in buffer that keeps a stable data flow, dunno...
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Postby Adam-V » Wed May 23, 2007 11:21 pm

I have heard that USB MIDI ports suffer dreadfully from timing issues when there a number of MIDI devices connected to them however I've not experienced that phenomenon personally with my emagic AMT-8 on my power mac.

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