Ok, I was finally able to get my hands on an RFX-32 expansion card and I will install it once it arrives!

My current situation is that I am a previous owner of a fully loaded E6400 Ultra that I upgraded piece by piece as options became available from E-Mu many moons ago. Sadly, I lost that E6400 along with the rest of my studio in a house fire.

Currently, I'm building everything back up and I just purchased an E4XT and the RFX-32 expansion. It's been sometime since I've fiddled around with E-Mu expansions and EOS upgrades. Since then I've noticed a few EOS upgrades have been released. As well, I've noticed funny postings about RFX and 8 output expansions regarding compatability, etc.
From what I recall, I had the 8 outputs installed first, and then I installed the RFX-32 expansion months later with no issues EVER! However, I see things now that say you must have the eight output expansion to run RFX or the exact opposite; the eight outputs don't work without the RFX installed. Furthermore, I've read about little bug fixes regarding the RFX in new EOS versions.
Honestly, I never remember any of these issues being a problem back in the day, and, I also remember there being a reason why I didn't upgrade my EOS to newer versions.
Are there any old time E-Mu users (or newbies) that understand where I'm coming from?
I guess my main question here is:
1) Do I need an eight output expander to run the RFX?
2) What version of EOS seems to be the best running with an E4XT and an RFX expansion?
Any light that you guys can shed on this will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks much,
George / Concept