E-mu Morpheus...

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E-mu Morpheus...

Postby razmo » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:25 am

Hi all... this is not really sampler related, but I happen to have accuired myself an E-mu Morpheus synth... now at first look, it looks to work properly, but when I enter the diagnose-menu (holding two cursor buttons on power up) and test the "program ROM" I get a "CS BAD" response.... nnow a BAD program ROM is a little worrying to be honest, and I'm wondering if anyone here, who MIGHT have a Morpheus synth could do me a faver, and do the same test, and tell me if he/she also get this "CS BAD" response? ... I'm on OS 1.3 :???:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby vermis_rex » Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:32 pm

I can't do it just at the moment, but I'll do the test before the end of Monday (August 6... it's the 3rd today, and a long weekend here in Canada, so won't be near my rack until maybe Monday) and give you an answer one way or the other.

To be honest, I never bothered to run a program ROM diagnostic... or any of the diagnostics, actually. The unit worked beautifully as soon as I had it hooked up, and I haven't look back since.

On a peripherally related note, there are a couple of places around the net where you can still download sysex versions of the preset sets from the ROM cards that E-mu released for the Morpheus (they might also work in an UltraProteus, as they're basically the same unit with just a different base sound ROM... the Morpheus has 4Mb of more esoteric sounds intended to show off the morphing Z-plane filters, while the UltraProteus had 8Mb of sounds from the first generation Proteus modules [1, 2, and 3... Morpheus & UltraProteus started the second generation, which also included Planet Phatt, Orbit v1 and v2, Vintage Keys, and Carnival... third generation were the P2K and related family... there's others in there that I'm forgetting]... wait, why am I telling you all this, as you probably know most of it already?). Of course, having the actual cards is better, as you can access card presets without giving up anything from the first three RAM program banks. But the cards themselves are pretty rare today... there is one guy in the UK I think who sells compatible RAM cards on eBay, usually loaded with his own custom banks of presets and hyperpresets.

Try the Morpheus page at the Emulator Archives archived E-mu history http://www.emulatorarchive.com/Archives/ROMplers/ModMorpheus/modmorpheus.html
There's are links near the bottom of the far right side-column.
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Postby razmo » Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:05 pm


Yes I'm familiar with the E-mu series :mrgreen:
But I'm thankful that you will do the test for me, so that I can figure out, if I have a faulty Program ROM here... as said before, my unit seem to work fine... it does however have a strange tendency to show the LCD display very vague... it's not as "black" on the letters as I'd expect, and when I turn the encoder, the letters seem to get the right dark color for a split second, then going back to this faint view... I'm wondering if the LCD is nearing it's lifetime end, or if there is a power supply fault at the loose here...

Thank you for all the info by the way... nice to see someone has the heart to help out :grin:

P.S. The morpheus states that it has 8 MB of sample memory... don't you mean that Morpheus has 8MB and Ultra Proteus has 16MB?
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
Posts: 62
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Location: Denmark

Postby vermis_rex » Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:54 am

OK, sorry it's a day late, I was somewhat ill (too much late partying over the weekend).

My Morpheus is running OS 1.2 (actually, I think it might have said 1.02... whatever). I ran the diagnostic on the program ROM and it came up CS OK (followed by the first byte and last byte of the checksum, I think).

Oh, and you're right, of course... the Morpheus was 8MB and the UltraProteus was 16MB
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Postby razmo » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:31 am

Vermis_Rex: Thanx... then I got a faulty ROM as I suspected probably... better see if E-mu will respond to an Email about this... it could be the OS difference maybe, I don't know.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
Posts: 62
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Location: Denmark

Postby razmo » Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:35 am

Well... I've written a support mail to E-mu now to find out about this CS problem... I'll return with the answer here later, so that others with this problem might find some help...

I'm keen on finding out, if the OS is flashable in the Morpheus... I've not seen any downloads anywhere of the Morpheus OS... but there is a feature in the diagnostics menus that says "Download".... it hints at the possibilities that the OS is flashable... we'll see... I asked them about it.

If I get any kind of OS to flash, I'll post it here for sure somewhere.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
Posts: 62
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Location: Denmark

Postby lumakey » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:34 pm

hi razmo,
did you get anything from emu on this as i did a diagnostic test and it says midi test failed. now my morpheus doesnt work with midi. i was wondering the same if you could download to it via a pcm card and replace the faults

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