it only has a 20 gb HD ( :-S )
i have an akai with 80gb internal and want to switch it (as that forigen id thing dont work properly
the disk mounts but the emu cant read the akai banks)
i want to transfer all of my 70GB EXS samples ive had over the years
from MACBOOK (and a pc)
not sure the best way to do it
i also see there is confusion with these scsi to usb
i would love to know if there is anyone who has successfully done it?
also how do i control that RFX ringmodulator?
also also :-S is eos 7 the latest, im running eos 6.51 i think but i have heard (i may have heard wrong) that eos 7 sucks
sorry i know this post is all over the place but thanks for reading :-)