Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby ninebynine » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:58 pm

Hi All,

First post from a new Emulator user.

I have just brought a e6400 upgraded to EIVxt Ultra running EOS 4.6.1. I would like to upgrade EOS to 4.7 so I can use FAT32 disks to allow easier file interchange with a computer.

I firstly tried the EOS file on the Emu website with no luck. I have now tried the EOS files on the "files" section of with no luck either.

I have copied the .dli file on to several brand new floppies with OSX.5 and XP and every time when I boot the EIV it fails to recognize the update disk.

Is there something simple I am missing? Is there a key combination that I have to hold during boot to force the EIV to look at the floppy drive for an OS update? I have discovered that if I hold [ENTER] down during boot the EIV will look for an update via MIDI.

I really have looked high and low on the internerd and can't find much information (Yes I have read the EOS manual).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Nine
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Postby mocheez » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:36 am

Don't you have to run the "flash prep" before you do the upgrade?
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Postby ninebynine » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:56 am

Problem solved!

I used E-Loader 1.1 to up load 4.7 via MIDI, it took about 15 min but worked

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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby Mr_F » Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:16 pm

Just wondering where you found E-Loader?

Is it freeware?

Ive just been searching google for a copy but cant seem to find it.

I really want to update to EOS 4.7 too
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby paulsynth » Mon May 04, 2009 2:32 pm

Here the link of E-loader 1.1 for pc, its a pleasure help you, soon i will receive my e6400 ultra, but it have old eos 4.01 :( ...

Anyone know where i can find a good version 4.70 of eos? (not a beta like emu official site)
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby stu » Mon May 04, 2009 8:22 pm

The beta version is the ONLY version available - 4.70 was never officially released.
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby paulsynth » Mon May 04, 2009 8:44 pm

ah ok, i readed there are lot of bugs in 4.70, i think i will stay with my old 4.02, i was wrong its not 4.01.
There is no rfx32 and i dont need that :) i will use with my wavestation A/D ;)
Its my 1st hardware sampler i always worked with soft samplers, now i need one for live use, and i dont love use pc to play around :)
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby stu » Mon May 04, 2009 11:22 pm

There are bugs in 4.7, but also many fixes and new features, and I've been running it for many years without any problems.

If you don't have RFX then the best version to run is 4.61 I believe.
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby Mr_F » Wed May 06, 2009 11:57 am

Thanks for the E-Loader link :grin:

Just curious.. what are these bugs in 4.7 beta?

I was assuming it would be best to have the most recent OS and the main reason i want it is so i can adjust filter resonance whilst a note is playing.
As in 4.6 or whatever i currently have, resonance only changes when a new note is triggered.
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby stu » Wed May 06, 2009 2:13 pm

Random panning for one - also I know the RFX routing can be a bit screwy depending on how you set it up. I think the sequencer has issues from what I can remember the last time I used it. The realtime resonance control was never meant to be left enabled, and according to the developers it results in lower quality filters. Slow loading from the floppy drive.

If you search the forum I'm sure you'll find plenty of others.

However, there are bugs in 4.61 as well. No software is bug-free.
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Re: Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Postby paulsynth » Sat May 30, 2009 3:38 pm

Now its working? im really courious to know if the 4.7 work good, ive intention to update my e6400 ultra with eos 4.02
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