hello people
I've tried everything now I need your help. i also searched the whole forum and more. I have an últra5000 with os 4.10a. i have downloaded flashprep and eos 4.70 from the creative homepage (original images). then i bought serveral 1.44mb hd disks and formated with an old laptop with win98 os (in ms dos and explorer mode) and then prepared the formated disk with flashprp eos4.70. everything went fine .. save disk image was succesful for both disk ... but everytime i insert the disk it does not update or recognize the disks. regardless of the disk. if i format it in the emu win98 does not recognize it and cant use flasprp. if i hit enter on the emu it shows me only if i want to load os from midi? hit ok then it searches for midi update..hit cancel it boot normal....i tried every flashprp image with a few different disks. should i try xp? any clou? floppy works 100%.