monsterjazzlicks wrote:But i would never perform with my EMU in Multi Mode, only in Whole, Layer or Split.
Never say never
Why not just play the Emu from the Nord in multi mode, but just use midi channel 1?
You can build presets that are layered and split with pan and volume settings
The relative volumes of the Nord and the Emu could be created by tweaking the levels of the groups inside the preset
When you are happy with the mix between the two just save the preset
Presets could then be loaded up in an order that corresponds to the presets in the nord
The newly created bank of presets could then be saved as a bank
Now when you play live load this bank into the Emu in multi mode
All your program changes in the Nord will select the correct voices, layers, splits at the correct volume in the Emu to mix perfectly with the nord
Plus if you alter the volume on the Nord your Emu will also change its output and remain at the correct relative mix level to the Nord
Does this sound like a workable solution to you?