by Klaseed » Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:05 am
To set the MIDI CC# on the oxygen:
Hit MIDI/Select
Hit Set CTRL.
You'll see an 'n' This means which knob 'n'umber, so using the nubmer keys, enter whichever knob you want to assign.
Hit Enter.
You'll see a 'P'. This stands for Parameter. Enter the desired CC# you want that knob to send. So, for cc#21, hit the 2, then the 1.
Hit Enter.
You'll see a 'C'. This stands for channel, enter the desired channel number using the number keys. I don't know about Cubase, but you can just always use 1 for Logic.
Hit Enter again, then MIDI/Select.
Repeat for all knobs.
I've constructed a cool little Logic environment layer that consists of a bunch of transformers that transform cc#s. So, I have the oxygen's knobs just assigned to CCs 1-8, then use the transformers to transform (duh) those ccs into the ccs I want. For the Emu, it's cc1 becomes cc21, cc2 becomes cc22, etc, for different modes on my microQ, it's 69, 70, etc. That way, I never have to reassign knobs on my oxygen. If anybody wants it, I can send it to you, along with better instructions on it's use.
ra coon, the chain method is just you plug one MIDI device's out into the in of another, making sure thru is on on that device, and plugging the thru into the in of another device. Then you can send from the first device to the 3rd device. Is that what you're asking?
"It doesn't work, and neither do we"
WTB: Digital option board for my Ultra :)