by wrecker13 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:46 am
If you have a PC or a MAC get a SCSI card. Do most of your editing on your computer 'cause you'll find that most of the editing applications in the E5000 suck dick. When you're done editing, SCSI it over to the EMU. But wait a minute. If you have a new E5000 you probably don't have a hard drive. Instead of using a Zip drive just save yourself a headache and get a hard drive(IDE). I put a 20 gig Maxtor in mine and it works fine. Don't get Quantums, they don't work. Voltage is too high. Maxtor is cheap, go to Best Buy and get one. Easy to install. And don't get a hard drive "mounting kit" from EMU. It's bullshit. It's just some screws, an IDE cable and some brackets. You can get that stuff anywhere and not pay $30 for it. Once you get a harddrive in your EMU then you can do the SCSI in the PC/MAC thingy. And just in case you were wondering, there isn't anyway to save EMU sound banks to a computer. You can zip individual files back and forth, and you can dump banks from PC to EMU, but you can't dump EMU files to PC. Hope this helps. Okaycoolamericanstyle100%chief.