anyhow, i'm just trying to get a free running LFO to sync with my external sequencer's BPM...yes, i fully know how to do it at this point and have done it, but it only works on long sustaining sounds. i play a midi drum kit, and i set one of my drum triggers to be a long sustaining bass sound and the rest to be normal drums. grouping them all together, i could achieve LFO sync but it ONLY worked to the sustain of the bass sound. the short attack drum sounds don't get any modulation (and YES the LFO IS set to free run!)...
it's like free run for the LFO is ignored once you patch the clock divisor to the LFO (and i tried experimenting w/ patching the clock to lfo1trg and lfo1rate...hell, i even tried lfo2 for fuck's sake!!!)
but SOMEONE out there HAS to be using a midi drum track and doing what i'm wanting to do. can someone try this out? PLEASE!!??

first make sure your E4's internal sequencer is set up to recieve external midi clock and be sure to set your sequencer to send midi clock. (note: i'm using Nuendo 2.0)
take a midi drum track, no audio loop, but a midi track with multiple hits and feed it to your E4 with your favorite drum preset. now you got a bad ass drum loop going, right? your sequencer is sending the E4 midi clock, everything is great, right?
so say you wanna set a sweeping filter modulated by a slow sine wave (or even a square) LFO that is synced w/ the tempo of your song, so it's tight.
now go to edit voices, but edit all the voices in a group and just simply set up a basic Filter, like a basic Lowpass leaving the Frequency set all the way up (we'll later sweep down into it), and set up LFO1 to be a free run sine (or square) with no variation and that other paramter set to zero, turn the rate down to really slow (like .26 - .70 or so).
now go into CORDS and first patch LFO1~ to FltFreq with an amount of -100. now you hear the drum loop but with the filter sweeping at the rate the LFO is currently set up at, right? i can get this far w/ my kit.
now you want to sync the incoming midi clock to the LFO so this slow sine wave is BPM matched to your song. the E4 manual says to route a clock divisor to lfo1's trigger start (lfo1trg) with the cord amount anything above zero. we're looking for a slow sweep, so patch a double whole note divisor (i think it's 'dwhole' or something) to LFO1TRG and set the amount to 1 or above. now with me, the non-synced filter sweeping i had before just stops modulation. turn off the clock divisor modulation by dropping the cord amount to zero again and the non-synced filter sweep comes back. say this didn't happen and your filter is still sweeping, you're now supposed to go in and tweak the LFO1 rate some to get it closer to the rate it's supposed to be at w/ the clock divisor, this one being real slow, so you could try tweaking it up or down some.
the thing is, for me, it doesn't matter b/c the clock kills the free run of the LFO! LFO sweeps happen once i set the clock divisor to the LFO! or does it not for you? i've tried this a ton. someone out there has to be doing this, it's a fairly common effect to achieve but for me it's just not working out!??? what do you guys do out there???

i thought maybe using the LFOrate to sync to instead of trigger start (lfo1trg), but that didn't work well either.
i'm confused as all hell but i'm figuring this is basic shit and someone has got to be doing it? how else do people achieve BPM synced LFO modulation between their external sequencer and their E4?