Age and years using an E--MU...

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Postby klaatu » Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:13 am

I'm 38, been using EMU gear since the Emullator 1, over twenty years, had an EII, an EMAX and now have e6400 and e6400U.

I'm sad that EMU seems to be going down the drain... this issue with the RFX cards is appalling.... Creative have no need to support us and no interest in the pro music arena... fingers crossed that we get at least one more stable OS and a new cross platform soft samp / editor.
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Postby igorclark » Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:06 pm

Hi, I'm 31 and I bought my E4XT Ultra in June 2000. Can't remember when I got the RFX but it was probably a couple of years ago. Sorry to hear other folks have problems with theirs, mine's fine, and I think the FX on it are good. I'm thinking about moving over to a digital-only setup but no way will I drop the Emu, love the thing. :loveit:

Also have an Audity 2000 which is smart for rhythmic stuff.

Hope Emu stick around.
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Postby dugawug » Sun Jan 11, 2004 6:23 am

i'm 26 and i've had me E4XT Ultra for about 4 months. ;)
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Postby MindMech » Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:29 pm

What'd I miss? What's the appalling issue w/ the RFX cards?
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Postby MindMech » Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:29 pm

What'd I miss? What's the appalling issue w/ the RFX cards?
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Postby Brian » Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:43 pm

I'm 36 and I started out with the Emax. That was 16 years ago.

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Postby recone » Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:10 am

I am 32 and been using emu samplers for 10 years. First one was an ESI-32, currently I have two E4 platinums. What's happened to the company kills me.
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Postby elemental » Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:00 pm

I'm 25, been using an Emu for about a month, had an Akai S2000 for years, then moved to Halion/Kontakt - now that I want to do live stuff, and also sound quality, flexibiliy and wicked filters ... it had to be an Emu.

EDIT: I now have an e6400 Ultra with RFX, might have to get the ADAT option and extra MIDI option at some point...
Last edited by elemental on Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Age and years using an emu...

Postby duncan » Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:10 pm

40, been using samplers of one sort or another since first coming across an s900 in 1985. my background is in tape and hardware synths; I used a lot of tape-loops when I was starting out, and still use a mellotron in the studio (9 tapesets).
bought a prophet 2002 in 1990, then a cheetah sx16 (piece of crap), then a prophet 2000 kybd (now deceased, sadly- WC haven't got the chip it needs. these were nice sounding machines- 12-bit front end and basically an 8-voice prophet five to process it through).

first emu was an esi32 in 1995 I think- they hadn't been out long. this later got version-upped, turbo-d and maxed, but the first thing I did was strip a syquest drive out of it's shell and put it where the floppy drive was.

then I got another esi32... at this time, 32Mb of ram cost about a grand. how the times have changed.
a couple of years ago I got an esi4000; this is also turbo-d, maxed, syquested.
then just the other day I got an e4x and an e5000 ultra, both maxed and with HD's inside. I also use an audity, a planet earth, a pk6 and a p2k, so I guess you could say I've invested in these assholes.
btw, lynne buck tells me that they have had some more of the flash simms made, so not to worry about stock.... yeah right. I've bought four anyway, just in case.
and I'm getting three refurbed syquest drives and some carts to keep that going too, from SCSIforsamplers, good people.

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Postby Diginerd » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:00 am

Age 31. Been using Emus for 6 years. Prior to that I had a Fairlight IIx and a Series III rev 7. I had a gap of about 18 months of no sampler, infact doing little to no music before I started up again. I couldn't afford another Series III so I listened to a few buddies and went out and bought an E6400 with an extra MIDI in.

I state this on record, as an ex-Fairight owner, that the EMU EIV range is very close to the Fairlight sound, and in some regards even superceeds it.

I'm not talking about paper specs, more what you can actually do with a sound once you have it, and also what the straight sample "feels" like.

I had anpother gap of about 6 motnhs where I gave up on the hardware and went all software based. Tried the ESX24, Halion and Kontakt. I was perfectly happy with what I was doing, and then went back and listened to my Emu and earlier Fairlight mixes and was so stunned how much quality I'd lost.

I rapidly went out and purchased an E-Synth Ultra Pimped out with RFX, 32 Midi channels, extra poly and ADAT I/O. Apart from a few nasty screwups like the RFX crashing the E-Synths PSU its been beautiful.

Sonically it's second to none, build quality, whilst not perfect far exceeds most expectations.

I still miss my 12" screen, FFT and Harmonic resynthesis analysis though.. ;-) :slayer:
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Postby nads » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:23 am

I started it so I'll bump it...why don't we add favorite D&B artist to the list. Name your favourite artist or collaborative duo/group/collective as well (remember only one choice). For me, Ed Rush and Optical remain kings--who can forget their single "Alien Girl"...absolute killer (oh yeah, Fierce was in on that one too me thinks :pimp: smokin').
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Postby Klaseed » Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:49 am

Haha, I've got tons of favorites :mrgreen:

Matrix is always at the top of the list, though. Effortless, deep, flawless DnB.

Tech Itch as well. The Diagnostics EP is the craziest most original Drum n Bass LP ever, IMO, and almost all of the singles are sickness.
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Postby nads » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:11 am

>>Yeah Matrix...talent obviously runs in the family.
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Postby drayon » Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:58 am


Ed-Rush writes the baddest basslines (the Raven/Skylab on Metalheads oh an Locust, fuck me wot a tune still twists my head out that tune), Optical the master of the sound design.

TOV crew used to do the sound i really like as well (haven't heard their stuff for years tho), that old 'Mission Control EP' in 99 was the bomb !!! im crazee about the hard, teky, gritty sound of that album, ah blowz me away thinkin bout it...i want that sound in dnb again.
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Postby aeser » Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:04 pm

got into dillinja/lemon d, tech itch, decoder, dylan/facs/loxy, roni size/reprasent, ray keith, bad company, twisted anger, cause4concern, etc.

now i'm more into shit like squarepusher/less formulaic dnb with drums that are more interesting. but i still love the bass/breaks/warm vibe of dnb.
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