by sampleandhold » Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:52 pm
from my understanding of the pitch cord to pitch change corresponds like this: If six percent equals a whole step, and i agree with wrecker13 on that, then 48 is not an octave. from C2 to C3 is twelve half steps, 3 times 12 equals 36. this is a chromatic scale where all the degrees are represented. now, if you go into major mode, or diatonic scale, you are dealing with 8 degrees with a redundancy of the tonic or key tone. this, however is not 8 whole tones. The major mode follows this set up, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step, which would translate cord precentage as follows:
C to D, whole step, 6%
D to E, whole step 6%
E to F, half step 3%
F to G, whole step 6%
G to A, whole step 6%
A to B, whole step 6%
B to C, half step 3%
adding these up you will find the total will be 36 percent.
and of course there would be different precentage for each mode there after, given that there are four different minor modes, natural, harmonic, melodic ascending, and melodic descending... considering we just look at the basics of music theory. i bet we could have a thread alone to just the pitch cord, listing how the percentage is affected depending on what mode, or tuning method we us, this could go for pages. imagine just intonation, 48 notes per octave... it would be crazy.