masochist wrote:I was actually playing a whole loop, not a cut up break.. I was going to add filters, res and gain to it then feed it back into the computer, cut up and back into sampler.
Are you saying filtres only works with 4.7, MFPHouse? Because I am using 4.61 :| I tried to install 4.7 a couple of days ago.. put the dli on the floppy and booted the e-mu, but it just booted like normal? No install.
The upgrade process was quite convoluted for me because I was using only 4.10 so I had to first boot off the Prep disk.
DON'T DO THIS! You have version 4.61 and if you did that, you would wreck your Emu.
All you need is to download the disk image for OS 4.7 to your C: drive (not desktop)....I assume you are using a PC....Get it from my ftp here
Once its downloaded....In Windows, Click Start, then Run and type CMD in the Run box.
A DOS window will open....Make sure the prompt says C:\ If it doesn't, type cd.. and press enter
Now, insert a (good) blank floppy disc in the drive...Make sure it is good by formatting it. Type format a: and press enter
When formatting has finished, type EOS470.exe then press enter
When asked what drive to use, press a
When it's finished, put the floppy in the EMU, turn the EMU on and wait....You may have to press the Enter button when the screen is blank to start the upgrade process.