E6400 Ultra & Oxygen 8 can't tweak Filter Resonance

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E6400 Ultra & Oxygen 8 can't tweak Filter Resonance

Postby masochist » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:24 am

I was mucking around adding filters and resonance to some breakbeats the other day.. I thought it would be alot better if I could tweak the res with a knob on my Oxygen 8. I change the cord settings to MidiA-.FilRes-100% and also change the settings on knob 1 of my Oxy8 to correspond with CC21 (MidiA). Unfortunately this doesn't work at all, so I thought I'd go through the process of elimination and see if any other parameter can be tweaked with that knob. I changed my cord to MidiA-Pitch-100% and everything works fine. The strange thing is that I did have filter res tweaking the first time I tried it, but am unable to get it working anymore. Has anyone had this problem before?
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Postby Flipped » Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:47 am

I recall having this problem before. If I remember correctly the frustration that enveloped me led me to determine that the bank I was working on was corrupted somehow. I was able to recreate the bank and the filter res worked fine. To this day I still don't know why the filter res would work fine on one bank and not the same on an exact representation of the same bank! I did a full comparison on the bank that had an unresponsive filter res and the bank that had a responsive filter res and I couldn't tell the difference. My suggestion would be to recreate your bank. If anyone else has any suggestions I'm all ears.

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Postby masochist » Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:44 am

Seems my process of elimination wasn't too thorough, I didn't check any of my other presets to see if I could assign the same cord to them. I loaded up a strings preset from a different bank and the Filter Res starts working. You must be right about the corrupt bank, I will try recreating the bank later on today when I have a bit more time. Thanks v.much for your help, Flipped! :grin:
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Postby MFPhouse » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:04 pm

Filter Mod.Res works only with EOS 4.7 !!!!!

with 4.5 and 4.6 only after NoteOn Velo !!
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Postby Flipped » Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:35 pm

MFPhouse is correct with that one. With regards to this issue I was assuming that the filter res was being tweaked as a cut up break was being played. So in either v4.7 or lower it wouldn't matter because there should be some evidence that the parameter was being tweaked. If however you are using a one shot sample of a break beat and you are on version < 4.7 you would only get sound evidence on each note hit (at the beginning of the loop) rather than as the knob was being tweaked. This is, of course, if everything is working correctly in the first place!
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Postby masochist » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:41 pm

I was actually playing a whole loop, not a cut up break.. I was going to add filters, res and gain to it then feed it back into the computer, cut up and back into sampler.

Are you saying filtres only works with 4.7, MFPHouse? Because I am using 4.61 :| I tried to install 4.7 a couple of days ago.. put the dli on the floppy and booted the e-mu, but it just booted like normal? No install.
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Postby ikechukwu » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:19 pm

masochist wrote:I was actually playing a whole loop, not a cut up break.. I was going to add filters, res and gain to it then feed it back into the computer, cut up and back into sampler.

Are you saying filtres only works with 4.7, MFPHouse? Because I am using 4.61 :| I tried to install 4.7 a couple of days ago.. put the dli on the floppy and booted the e-mu, but it just booted like normal? No install.

The upgrade process was quite convoluted for me because I was using only 4.10 so I had to first boot off the Prep disk.

DON'T DO THIS! You have version 4.61 and if you did that, you would wreck your Emu.

All you need is to download the disk image for OS 4.7 to your C: drive (not desktop)....I assume you are using a PC....Get it from my ftp here

Once its downloaded....In Windows, Click Start, then Run and type CMD in the Run box.

A DOS window will open....Make sure the prompt says C:\ If it doesn't, type cd.. and press enter

Now, insert a (good) blank floppy disc in the drive...Make sure it is good by formatting it. Type format a: and press enter

When formatting has finished, type EOS470.exe then press enter

When asked what drive to use, press a

When it's finished, put the floppy in the EMU, turn the EMU on and wait....You may have to press the Enter button when the screen is blank to start the upgrade process.

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Postby Flipped » Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:56 pm

Thanks for the help ikechukwu. Masochist, the filter res does in fact work on both v4.61 and v4.7 but the difference is in how that parameter is used. If, for example, in v4.61 and you were playing a looped break (not chopped up) while twisting a knob associated with filter res you would only notice a sound change each time the sample was triggered (note on). So if you were twisting away and the loop has not been re-triggered you would not hear any sound change. But if, for example, in v4.7 you were playing a loopped break (not chopped up) while twisting a knob associated with filter res you would notice an immediate sound change as the knob is being tweaked just as filter cutoff would react.
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Postby masochist » Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:24 am

Thanks for your help and for the link, ikechukwu! Managed to get 4.7 installed from your .exe file. I was just putting the dli file I got from the downloads section onto floppy, obviously the wrong thing to do.

Thanx also Flipped, I did realise that in 4.61 I had to release a key and play the sample again after tweaking the res to hear the difference. I wonder what the deal with this corrupt bank shit is tho :| Thanx heaps guys! 8-)
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