Sequencer problem.

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Sequencer problem.

Postby Ole » Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:07 pm

I've got an E-synth Rack (with midi-expansion) running Eos 4.02, which I control with an Dx7-||d. Problem= The seq. will not work. No matter what I try, I simply can't get it to work. The Dx7 is set to transmit midi on channel 1, the e-synth recives and plays totally normal, nothing wrong there, but the seq. won't work. I've tried guided tour thing in the manual too. Help, anyone?
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Postby Ole » Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:30 pm

Okey, the sequencer do recieve midi data, it just won't play it back. Midi files don't work either, nor does the sequences in the "demo" map on my harddrive. Wierd.
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Postby EmufromAus » Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:16 pm


I had a problem where the sequencer would record, but wouldn't playback, either internally within my e-synth, or on the E4 module I was midied up to. I now cant remember which parameter got it working, but it was in the MIDI area

If you go to the MAster/Midi/Mode, my settings are follows;

1. Basic channel: 1
2. Midi MOde: Multi
3: MIdi device ID: 4
4: Local Control: on

good luck
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Location: Gold Coast Australia

Postby Ole » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:43 pm

Thanks, I'll test it.
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Postby Ole » Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:59 pm

Hm. Well, no it did'nt do anything. But, the "local control" option is kinda unavailible. It is "grayed" out, if you see what I mean. Are there other parameters that may be involved?
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Sequencecer = trouble

Postby Thomas Riem » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:27 am


I'm not sure if this is going to help you much, but at least I think I could help in isolating your problem. Then it might be easier to solve.

First off, the reason your "local control"-field is grayed out is that you have a rack module and the other guy a keyboard version of the E-synth. Local control means that the keyboard controls the synth's sound engine directly.

Next, let's talk about your synth. You state that you have a Midi-expansion? Take care - is Midi going into your synth/seq on input 2? That won't work.

Last, if you are a newbie like me, you may be stuck in the differences between multimode and the sequencer: first you load a bank of sounds into memory. then check out that your synth is working (midi in on ch 1 makes a sound). sometimes you have to hunt for a preset that makes a sound! now go to the sequencer and try out the guided tour...

best of luck

Thomas Riem
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Sequencecer = trouble

Postby Thomas Riem » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:29 am


I'm not sure if this is going to help you much, but at least I think I could help in isolating your problem. Then it might be easier to solve.

First off, the reason your "local control"-field is grayed out is that you have a rack module and the other guy a keyboard version of the E-synth. Local control means that the keyboard controls the synth's sound engine directly.

Next, let's talk about your synth. You state that you have a Midi-expansion? Take care - is Midi going into your synth/seq on input 2? That won't work.

Last, if you are a newbie like me, you may be stuck in the differences between multimode and the sequencer: first you load a bank of sounds into memory. then check out that your synth is working (midi in on ch 1 makes a sound). sometimes you have to hunt for a preset that makes a sound! now go to the sequencer and try out the guided tour...

best of luck

Thomas Riem
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:28 pm

Postby Ole » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:12 pm

Actually, it solved it self when I opened a midi file, and extracted it. I don't have the faintest idea why it did'nt work before that, but now it is working, and I am happy :)
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