I just got a 6400 classic off ebay, it runs eos 4.62 and has 128mb RAM but no disk.
To test that it works I recorded in a sample (I don't have any way of loading banks, or any banks to load), which seems to work as I can see the waveform, but it doesn't seem to output any sound.
When I am in sample edit mode, am I right in thinking that it should play if I play a note on my midi keyboard?
Also I created a preset using only this sample, am I right in thinking that I should hear something when I play my keyboard in preset edit mode?
The midi light is flashing so I know the keypress is getting through, but there is nothing coming out of the outputs, or the headphone socket.
Please let me know if I am obviously doing something wrong, because I really don't want to have to send it back.
Many thanks for your help.