Thanks guys for the valuable info ..
Well, I got the baby (yes, MY baby

) today and it looks cool. The specs as follows:
- EOS 3.0 (Ouch !)
- 128MB RAM (upgraded by previous owner)
- External SCSI CDROM Drive (previous owner used it to load new sounds onto the HD). Not sure if its a CD-Writer ? How can I tell if it is a Writer or not ? Does it MATTER if its a writer (you know, so I could use it to backup the sounds, maybe ?)
Now, MORE questions for you EMU fans out there :
- What is the best and error/surprise free method of updating from EOS 3 to the latest (is 4.62 the latest for the E4X Classic) ?
- The HD interface is a 50-PIN one, are there any SCSI 18GB beasts out there that uses a 50-PIN interface ? I might be able to get a 9.1GB but never heard of an 18GB with 50 PINS ? If I am to use a 50 to 80 PIN adapter, do these things work with the EMU ? has anyone out there tried /heard about this kind of setup before ?
- The manual that came with it had a brouchure about the EMU sound CD collection (about 20 I think) with all sorts of sounds. How would I be able to get my hands on some of these ? anybody you know off that might be selling this collection ?
- Finally, where do people get new sounds/samples from ie. free ones, forums like this but for sounds, sample web sites ...etc.
Really appreciate any help .. thanks again
PS. vermis_rex, I know your kind of madness, I've already got it

as I am in the process of buying another one

I am loving it ..