Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:25 pm

Dude thats like amazing thanks for letting us know
i dndt even know about a factory reset, will give it a go coz everything was working kushti before,
i thought in test mode it just continually counts the memory until a fault is detected :-S
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Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby altus » Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:28 pm

Navjot Singh wrote:yeah definitely guys, i have a little theory (very little, may not even work)
the sampler flips out when the ide is being scanned at the start up,
im guessing it MAY have something to do with a small serge when the drive is being accessed, enough to freak the board out, but not harm the drive (not anytime soon anyway,)

the addionics case has a seperate power supply adapter to it, but its in a very aqward place when the drive is docked in the caddy, im going to try and build a seperate power supply n see if this does the trick if it is not anything else, if not i may have to go looking for emu spares, n all sorts, which will not be cool :-(


This sounds like you have the older (45W) power supply and it's on its way to the grave. i suggest at least installing a separate PSU for the hard drive (just cannibalize a power brick from an external drive), and eventually replace your EMU's PSU. A shifty power supply will eventually lead to other problems like crashes, corrupted patches/samples, and general random PMSing of your EMU.
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:29 pm

how would i find out if it is one of the old boards altus?
thanks for your help btw
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Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby altus » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:21 am

Navjot Singh wrote:how would i find out if it is one of the old boards altus?
thanks for your help btw

disassemble the emu and take the power supply board out. there's a sticker on one of the filter caps (big black cylindrical things) that gives you the spec of the power supply. old PSUs are 45W, new ones are 65W. i suggest putting in a 65W if you have the 45W. the 45W one is barely enough to run the sampler, and with age, they go bad when they're under near 100% load.
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:23 pm

imma deffo check it out today, just got to get down to studio

just thought id share some good work with yall
someone who im working with
new track, still needs more dynamic processing, and vocal effects
but yeah
take me away, have a check out

Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:49 pm

hey lads, i finaly have opend my emu, as it is giving me problems again, do you believe the best part of my studio is also the most temperamental, to be fair i have altered it just a little lol, no sticker on the cylindrical cap there is however a sticker on the heat dissipation
the unit is PowDec Tech
Model Number PTH65301
50-60hz 1.7A

Output: +5vdc/6a

although this was no help to me i tried to google model number... no joy
Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby kalide » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:00 pm

Thats the 65 W model:

Specs here:


65 Watts
Singles, Duals
& Triples
5 - 24 VDC
5.00 x 3.00 x 1.34"

How do the caps look? Any bulging at the tops ? If so, they are on the way out per:

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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:11 pm

hey dude thanks for the pronto reply, appreciate it :-)
none of the capacitors are bulging out from the top,
i must have screwed it back in, and it powered up just fine,
but its not going to be long till it does the same thing again,
have you ever seen this kind of a crash before?
at bootup all the LED's light up and the screen (still backlit) has the ink at about like 10% darkness over the screen
If I had a dollar for every brain you didnt have, id have one dollar!
Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby kalide » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:31 pm

I would try disconnecting peripherals - floppy, any roms

minimize each component and see if anything is causing the display issues - but it does sound like there is some fault - potentially overvoltage to the display.

Very hard to know really without more details does it boot with just the floppy in ?

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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:39 pm

i understand, i have tried to boot it just with the floppy and still had no joy before,
even with different roms.
infact once i put the floppy in, and it made it worse, (before sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt,)
i think i will need to set my tasks to make a separate psu for the harddrive, and see how that goes,
Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby altus » Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:28 am

did you try my instructions from a while back? here they are again:

get a can of deoxit (google it), remove all memory modules, remove RFX card, remove all connectors, spray all connectors with deoxit, connect/disconnect 5 times to remove built up oxidation, plug all connectors back in, reinstall all memory modules, power up.

if it still doesnt work, replace sample RAM and CPU RAM with modules you know are 100% working.

if it still doesnt work, replace the CPU Flash with a known working module with the correct OS version for your sampler flashed in (borrow from a friend if available)

if it still doesn't work, replace power supply.

if it still doesn't work, the motherboard's shot. go on ebay and buy a new sampler, copy all your patches and samples over and you're back up and running.
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby WALLY » Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:06 pm

Hi there !
I think your motherboard is dying slowly (electronics components must be dying :???: ) but the last try would be to clean the motherboard very deeply (nothing pasted inside) and to clean every memory specially the FLASH (and re-install the EOS) be very careful if you own an RFX coz it warms the whole motherboard, so try to boot whithout it at first.
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby elementalbeats » Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:10 pm

I have read through most of this thread... just wondering if anyone has had good success with this? And any UK peeps with definite working drives?
I have an e6400 Ultra with RFX, would love to get it running with easy sample transfer... I hardly use it, but love the sound.

Thanks to all who've put time into this, good work! :mrgreen:
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby Navjot Singh » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:21 am

WHOOP ive found my password guys
so what i have to say is this
the sampler works, fine, then bums out every now and again
although now i have a problem with the output sometimes it doesnt play sterio and only comes out of the right channel
sometimes the rfx effects start jittering (clicks)
im going to open up my sampler tomorow and see what i can do
If I had a dollar for every brain you didnt have, id have one dollar!
Navjot Singh
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Re: Proposal (2): Adding a Removable IDE-USB Drive Bay to Ultra

Postby kalide » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:48 am

Mine still works fine.

Nav - I recall you took the risk of hot swapping your drives - probably not a wise move with the emu's as the IDE configs not designed for that. Also you did some funnies when setting up originally - powering the drive from the 5V line and mixing up 12/5 and the grounds before getting the right connections. That could do some odd things to the logic board and power supply - a dodgy power supply will also give you a few brown outs like you described. Brown out as in odd crashes, lock ups, no trouser filling types but one could follow the other if the latest darkstep masterpiece just went up a whisp of smoke. Very hard to get smoke back in those fried chips to make 'em work again :mrgreen:

So - anyone else trying this mod a) be careful b) it does work nicely when you don't rush in where Nav had no fear to tread ;-)

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