Been lurking this forum since getting an e6400 ultra.
I tried a bunch of SATA/IDE bridges with an SSD but found I could only ever get the drive in sleep mode. I will try without a solid state drive sometime with all of the bridges I've amassed (if I can get it out of the icydock caddy

In the meantime, I phoned about a bit to look at all the suppliers of the existing IDE caddys and it looks like the addonics one is the only one that is still manufactured/supported/sold. So I picked that one up and modded it in. I wanted to keep the floppy in as it takes ages to boot without it, so it took a bit of cable gymnastics to fit it in and keep the floppy in a reasonable spot. Keep in mind I had an existing 80GB IDE drive (over the stock 3.9GB drive) and EOS 4.61 so I didn't need to do the polarity mod on the HDD power, also I didn't need to flashprep a disk. I'm on windows 7, so I had to use a windows XP virtual machine to format the floppy disk with the EOS 4.7 firmware only. You should see the number of people who get confused when you ask for a floppy disk drive these days.
Anyway; here is a step by step mod picture thingo using the Addonics Jupiter tray (sourced from Addonics online) and an IDE 2.5" HDD (sourced from ebay, there are still heaps of these around). Note: if you disconnect the IDE and floppy cable from the mainboard, remember the polarity for the header is the polarized nub facing away from the middle of the board (Take a photo before you start, otherwise it won't boot or other things and you'll get confused).
Edit: forgot to note; the E-MU didn't see the full 120GB initially. It could see the drive, but I had to format it with the E-MU after which it could see 114GB ... so there you go!
Edit2: Updated the picture with installing a jumper across pins 33 and 34 (thanks master builder for the tip) so you don't need the floppy drive at all for a quick boot.