RFX EMU - keep it in one post

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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Re: In reply to razmo's findings...

Postby dugawug » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:56 am

bass cadet wrote:(from an EMU developer):
One thing that's new here is that the problem APPEARS to be dependent on which DRAM he is using. This could be the case if there is a speed difference in the RAM that the CPU can take advantage of, leading to a speed-up or slow-down in execution speed of the OS.
Sounds like what must have been happening to my unit when it was crashing all the time. With the bunk (well, it wasn't all out bunk, but somehow faulty or slow) RAM I had, I guess the CPU couldn't take advantage of it enough and that's what caused the crashing. Hmmm, the RAM swap could help after all then, huh? Damn, we really need someone else to check! Where you at, D2K??!! :thumbs:
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bad news....

Postby division2000 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:19 am


i didnt want to spoil the party, but i was suspicious form the beginning of the story with memory swapping...i can not find logical explanation for how cm_lokus problems are gone...

yes, my buddies, i did it...

i bought two memory modules of 16MB and tried them both...

irritating thing was that before any swapping i tried to check how soon i will get random panning by pressing audition [with current DRAM]...as u all know, my experience with it is that sometimes i can work an hour without the problem...so, i was pressing the damn button again and again [my darling was looking at me like i am maniac] and then i made a small list of samples that produces the fu##ing sideeffect...

so, in half hour i manage to hear the problem with 10 samples...in 4 different banks...frustration came when panning occurred for few presses and than disappeared...anyway, i proceeded and swapped the first module?bang, for the first 20 minutes I didn?t hear any problems and I was almost flying on the wheels of victory?but, experience said that it can that random panning guys went for a fast food or something else?and, yep, after a bit more auditioning, there was a clear fu##ing effect again?with 3 samples in 30 minutes?

then I went for the other module, BUT with that one my screen turned black after booting up and all red lights and arrows were on?I just turned it off and placed my original memory chip back?

anybody can tell me what fuction this DRAM has???

I took a moment to look at some details on my RFX card?

On the right front side its written: ASSY AP10242-1 REV B
On the left front side is written: PCI 0242 REV A

On the back, molded in metal is written: EM 571 01 B PPP 0046

Anybody have any idea about this?

And yes, it says ? 2000. EMU

As u know, NAMM show is in USA?I forwarded some materials from the forum to few persons that might help, but I do not have any reply from them [maybe cause of NAMM?]?

Any new suggestions, ideas, revolutions???


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Re: bad news....

Postby dugawug » Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:46 am

division2000 wrote:i can not find logical explanation for how cm_lokus problems are gone...

damn, super sorry to hear D2K :cry: ...at least now we know. how cm_locuss is bug free, i don't exactly know either, but it seems related to the fact that me and him shared the same freezing problem (only people on the forum who did as far as i know) and this RAM swap fixed that problem, and somehow all of our problems. he's been bug free since and i'm yet to experience any bugs so far (knock on wood), so fuck, i don't know what i'm sayin anymore... :spliff:

division2000 wrote:anybody can tell me what fuction this DRAM has???

i BELIEVE, although even EMU people haven't clarified this for me, that that RAM is for everything but samples, i.e. sequences, presets, rfxs, etc. it's proper name is Preset RAM, (if I'm indeed correct about this). the E4 manual talks about the various types of RAM and it gets quite confusing. but I'm 90% sure this is Preset RAM. the only others I believe are obviously sample RAM (which also says "DRAM" next to it on the motherboard, so "DRAM" is probably a meaningless term really) and there's also Flash RAM. but that one throws me.

division2000 wrote:I took a moment to look at some details on my RFX card?

On the right front side its written: ASSY AP10242-1 REV B
On the left front side is written: PCI 0242 REV A

On the back, molded in metal is written: EM 571 01 B PPP 0046

Anybody have any idea about this?

Hmmm, back when I first had RFX problems I talked w/ EMU to find that there's been apparently only ONE revision of the card, although I've seen maybe 3 RFX cards and I've seen them look quite different from each other. I wouldn't think it's the card, yet how could it be EOS if some people get these problems while others don't?

division2000 wrote:but I do not have any reply from them [maybe cause of NAMM?]?

yeah, i would think that's why. when i asked them about the RAM specs for ya, they replied with "the information on this spec will not be available until after winter NAMM"...i'm like "what??" :finger:
so yeah, they must be busy over there.

division2000 wrote:Any new suggestions, ideas, revolutions???

well, it looks like your down to either using exclusive mono or stereo samples or to start another major push for a bug free EOS!! you know, Razmo said on page five of this thread that EMU has promised a new version, or that they're working on it, or something but i highly doubt they're really in action with it.
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Re: bad news....

Postby division2000 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:10 am

i BELIEVE, although even EMU people haven't clarified this for me, that that RAM is for everything but samples, i.e. sequences, presets, rfxs, etc. it's proper name is Preset RAM, (if I'm indeed correct about this). the E4 manual talks about the various types of RAM and it gets quite confusing. but I'm 90% sure this is Preset RAM. the only others I believe are obviously sample RAM (which also says "DRAM" next to it on the motherboard, so "DRAM" is probably a meaningless term really) and there's also Flash RAM. but that one throws me.

no, no, no...DRAM means Dynamic Random Access Memory...its nothing than normal older type of RAM in contrary with newer type SDRAM...

evolution will go as:

DRAM - EDO RAM [update for DRAM] - SDRAM - DDR SDRAM [double data rate] - DRDRAM [direct rumbus]

OK, so that DRAM is preset RAM...hmmm, makes sense, but i asked as its impossible to find official explanation...

i dont buy an option of using stereo samples...its nonsense...and i didnt pay so much for that stupidity...we have to push them...
at the end of a day, i will push them to refund me money and they can take bloody machine...

i will go soft route with protools, reason and etc... :rolleyes:


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Postby division2000 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:25 pm

obviously, guys are having nice time at NAMM presenting new Creative Soundcards:

http://namm.harmony-central.com/WNAMM04 ... rt_id=3178

http://namm.harmony-central.com/WNAMM04 ... discussion

:slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer:

lets make them fix the problems!!!
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Postby aeser » Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:42 pm

posted this on another thread but i guess it might belong here:

i have an e4xt ultra with an rfx32 card and 8 analog output expander and ever since i installed the rfx and 8 analog output card it does this fucked up thing now where it will make sound, then abruptly stop making sound (hit keys, midi light flashes, no sound comes out) then it will produce nothing but static and shrill noises when you hit keys. yet, turn it off for a while and come back to it and it will sound fine for a little while. tends to happen whenever i get more than 1 channel going at a time. this of course is unacceptable and i was wondering if anyone else had this same problem.

i contacted emu about it as my rfx card came with a warning that some of the older ultras like ones made before 2001 (which mine was) have an inadiquate power supply and that they'd replace it at no cost to the owner at an authorized service center, nearest one is 5 hours from me so i'd have to mail it and they won't pay for that, then they also informed me that because my sampler was older than 2001 it was no under warrenty, effectively negating their offer to replace the power supplies in units older than 2001. then while wrestling with them about this over the phone they said that if the power supply was bad it wouldn't power up at all thus my problem with it sporadicly not making sound was not the power supply but rather something else and that if it was rfx related (as that was newly purchased and thus still under warrenty) they'd cover it (minus the expensive shipping cost of course) and if not i'd have to pick up the tab for why the fuck my sampler is no longer working now that i put this expensive ass new card in it. when i bought this sampler years ago i had money (and a job) and now i don't (and am unemployed) so needless to say i'm rather sweating being about to afford to get my sampler fixed, but as it is pretty much my only sound source and i already invested a lot of money in it i don't want it to just sit there being useless either, and until they make a mac version of emulator x i'm sticking with my e4xt (especially since i just bought the rfx). so any information anyone may have as to what might cause this would be most helpful to me. thanks.
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Postby Diginerd » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:12 am

Well, I've just stumped up $1700 and bought the last new Ultra available from Emu, an E-Synth Ultra. Along with the Phatt/Orbit ROM, and *sharp intake of Breath* the 6th to last RFX and R-ADAT card.

Having read all the Kvetching on here I really thought long and hard about this, but speaking to EMU, everything is under warranty, and they admitted the the RFX and some Ultras don't play nice.

Consequently I have assurances that if the whole combo doesn't work correctly I can return the whole lot, which makes the high price (well, not compared to what they used to be!) worthwhile for the peace of mind.

I'll keep you all posted as to how I get on. I'm either going to be thrilled or Pissed off..

BTW My sale makes the offical count of remaining RFX cards at EMU just 5 units as of about 2pm EST today.

If you're thinking about giving it a try, you'd better be quick. Just remember they have a pretty generous return policy.
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Postby palamino chuck » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:12 pm

I just placed an order for one of the 2 that were apparently left in stock!!!!! :slayer:

but yeah diginerd i'm gonna do the exact same thing with mine if it gives me any problems...

oh well, time will tell :???:
::: the sum of all paths :::
palamino chuck
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Postby Diginerd » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:50 am


It turns out the sampler I got is a refurb, and has an sn of 0199, which means that the PSU won't even power the rfx board.

Time to either get the promised free PSU upgrade or can the whole lot.

Bugger. :grumble:
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Postby parhelion » Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:29 am

Diginerd wrote:If you're thinking about giving it a try, you'd better be quick. Just remember they have a pretty generous return policy.

I'm not sure where you're from, but trust me, E-mu has NO return policy in the U.S.A. Read the line "all sales are final" on the "Bargains and Specials" page. I bought a "reconditioned" E4 Platinum from them about 18 months ago and it had the random panning bug right out of the box. It was so bad it was useless. They absolutely refused to give me my $2000 back, offering only to fix the unit. After about a month and some threatening email and phone calls from myself, they finally shipped the E4 back to me. The packing slip listed the repair as a "bad R-Chip" which I would assume means the RFX32. I tested the sampler then promptly sold it at a huge loss. The whole situation was rotten; total lack of communication from them and piss-poor customer support.

It was pretty misleading of them to sell you the E-Synth Ultra and the RFX32 knowing that it wouldn't work, but it doesn't suprise me. E-Synth Ultras haven't been made for years so that should have tipped you off that it was a refurb. Some of the reconditioned models must have had the power supplies replaced though. Against my better judgement, I bought a reconditioned e6400 Ultra and an RFX32 a few months ago (I have an Akai MPC4000 and missed the E-mu sound) and was shocked to see the power supply warning in the box.. of course the e6400 Ultra was made in '99. However, I took a chance and installed the RFX32 anyway and it worked fine. I called tech support and was told that the sampler wouldn't even power up if it didn't have the updated power supply. Give it a shot if you haven't already and good luck.

Needless to say I've been a glutton for punishment with E-mu samplers, just no substitute for the sound and mangling options, but I've grown to hate the company itself. I won't be buying the Emulator X. If it flops they'll just move on leaving the bugs behind like they have with the RFX32 and OS 4.7.
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Postby dugawug » Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:41 am

Diginerd wrote: Just remember they have a pretty generous return policy.
Yeah, good luck bro. I too can't believe they even told you this. They've clearly marked all their "sale" inventory (which basically equals ANYTHING but the new Emulator X) as "all sales final". I got real pissed w/ my new E4XT Ultra when it started flippin cuz of my RFX card. They had NO intentions of letting me return it whatsoever. They offered to fix it cuz it was under warranty, but i couldn't deal w/ the month turnaround. Thank God i got local help and figured out my problem w/o them.

Anyhow, wow...good luck. Let us know how it goes.
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Postby Diginerd » Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:15 am


Its been a couple of days. Things have been pretty hectic here outside of my musical life.

Anyway, I called Emu and told them about the whole PSU being underpowered and they asked me where I lived and gave me the address of two Authorised service centers, one in NYC and one in New Jersey (I live in CT, USA for those who are curious).

I called the one in NYC and they were like, "Err, no no free powersupply you're smoking crack" they then went on to tell me that they are stopping being an authorised center at the end of the month.

So I called Emu straight back ready to nuke their's and Creative's offices. I got the same support guy and told him I'd been borderline told to F(*& off by their supposed service center. He put me on hold for about 10 minutes, and when he got back on the phone he said he'd called the service center and straightened them out. I will get my PSU for free. This is under the warranty of the RFX, not for the sampler so this applies to anyone who has bought an RFX new from EMU.

He also said something interesting in passing which I didn't follow up on, but may be important for others. ie YOU!. When I said that the repair shop would no longer be authorized at the end of the month he said "Oh no, it's not until the end of March so you have to get it done by then". The bits that struck me as odd about this is:

1. didn't mention them by name (Are Emu stopping all the authorised centers bar one or a handful?) until he actually asked me, (remember he told me two companies) and

2. does this mean that PSU upgrades are only available until the end of March?

I'm not going to state that either of the above is true but it's worth checking out if you're looking to buy a S/H RFX and get an upgrade.

Speaking of which when I called EMU for the authorised centers in my area they asked for my phone number and looked up my purchase on the computer, so you REALLY need to watch this situation.

As for my ability to return the whole lot, yup I have it in writing from one of the EMU sales team, who I have dealt with a couple of times, and has always been straight up with me. Even let me return a "Sale Special" ADAT board with no questions.

Now the bit that's going to suck is I'm going to be without my sampler for a week or two, no way of expediting it.

At least it's being handled under warranty for free...

On a bum note though, I tried playing with Kontakt again this evening to see if I could make do and mend.

Not even close.

NOW I remember why I'm dealing with this crap. The Ultras represent the peak of the hardware sampler in terms of audio quality (I've owned 2 Fairlights and had unlimited acces to a Synclavier for a year or two some time ago, all have character, but the E4 Ultra series wins *Ducks*).

Software has a very very long way to go to match the quality, nver mind the quantity (128 notes multi timbrally accross 32 midi channels with 8-16 FX all going with no CPU slow down? :slayer:

As ever just my 2c, but I'll keep you informed.
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Postby Diginerd » Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:20 am

One more point. Yup this is really neccesary.. If I plug the RFX in I get no glowing LCD panel and all the LEDs light up solidly.
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Postby Silverman2 » Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:56 am

Hi all,

I think I was one of the first ppl to report the noiseburst bug :shock:
Just tried the swapping the system ram fix and it doesn't correct my problem :grumble:

The only thing thats gonna fix this, is if emu fix the code in the 4 and 6 pole low pass filters. It's a feckin joke this has been going on for so long and does not look good for ne1 who purchases their new range of pc cards( which R&D development costs were probably funded by us smucks who bought the RFX card :???: )

Good to see other concerned people are coming forward!

PS: Another 4.7 bug I get is I loose my Main right output signal!
The fix is to chuck sum output test tones at the bus and it should come back :rolleyes:

Oh Joy

Silverman :spliff:
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Postby razmo » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:10 pm

Hi everyone.

I've been emailing Emu technical support for a while about the RFX bugs. The answers I get is, that they are waiting for YOU GUYS to send them error reports before they send the details on to their engeneering team. Below is the latest response I got from EMU regarding this, so I hereby urge you to:


Here is the reply:

Dear Jess,

There is nothing more that I can tell you at this time - I am in charge
of European Technical Support, and we are collecting complete system
data and error reports from any European Customers who believe they have
RFX-based problems.

Our technical support department in the USA is also doing this for
Americas-based customers.

When we have some data from more than one or two customers, we are going
to pass all of this information in one set to our engineering
department, who will be able to assess it and see what they can find
out. So, there is no more information I can tell you based on your
error report, as we cannot fix this problem based on one customers error
reports at this time - that is why we are trying so hard to collect
information from multiple customers - but even customers who on forums
are complaining that everyone has these errors, do not submit any
details when we request them, and that makes it very difficult.

I do not know who you emailed to in EMU regarding these problems, so I
cannot give you information about the information that you received back
telling you that you might be partially right - what I can tell you is
that until we have the solid error reports of a number of customers, it
is difficult for us to make any attempt to solve any problem that might
be causing errors.

If you wish as requested to proceed with a swap of the ADAT card then I
can certainly help you with this aspect.

Best Regards,

David Anderson
Technical Support
E-MU Systems
+353 1 433 3205
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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