RFX EMU - keep it in one post

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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Postby bendjo » Sat May 15, 2004 2:43 am

I have been running 4.61 on an e5000 for over six months and I have worked the thing pretty hard. I have had zero problems with my rfx. It really is a shame that so many have had issues as I find it quite brilliant. If hardware is the issue it must be a certain series of the cards or the samplers themselves that are problematic. I know it has been mentioned before but has anyone tried to gather info from those who have problems as to what their serial numbers are. Do the cards have a serial number printed one them?
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Postby razmo » Sat May 15, 2004 11:08 am


I'm also suspecting sampler motherboard and rfx bord revisions to maybe be the cause of things. You have to be VERY well listening to hear the bug in some cases. My RFX for example, is only introducing VERY short clicks that pan wrongly, and it's only hearable on VERY percussive samples, and is most noticeable on headphones, BUT THEY ARE THERE!!! ... I'd suggest you try out your rfx with headphones, and then use a mono-sample preset with a waveform that does NOT start at zero-crossing, but at max amplitude. Then pan this preset using the channel pan all the way to the left, and now press a few keys about 64 times (128 times for a 128 voice machine). After this, pan the preset all the way back to the middle and then press the keyboard repeatedly when listening carefully. In my case, there will be very short clicks (the attack of the sample) sounding from the old position on the left, but the rest of the sample (without the attck) will sound from the center. This will continue untill all voices has been cycled throug, then the attack is back with the rest in the center and everythings fine. Also try to pan the preset from left to right while pressing the keyboard rapidly at the same time. When you have panned the preset from left to right once, then center it, but keep pressing the keys. You should hear the sample click take the "old route" through the panning field later on until it catches up with the current settings. The length of the wrongly panned sound may differ for you, and may even sound like two of the same sample mixed together at different pan settings, as I witnessed this on another CPU RAM block.

I think that the length of the clicks is related to the type of CPU memory you have installed. I've tried three different types and all seems to give slightly different results.

The E5000 was the later models build so I'd not be surprised that it has a much newer board in it. My E6400 was bought when it was released, and so too with my RFX, so I've got them old motherf...... So I guess that if my sampler and RFX can be fixed to work, everybody should be able to.

What speed are the CPU memory that people are using? ... Especially those who have "working" machines with RFX? ... I'm wondering if changing from a 70ns to a 60ns would make any difference?

I think that instead of asking for info on those who have faulty machines, that we should rather focus on those who say that they have machines that WORK with their RFX, and figure out, what revisions and RAM types they have!

I hardly doubt that EMU would have missed this bug when they tested the RFX in production, so I'm confident that there must be a configuration that should work. The machines they tested on must have been good ones that work, or they will surely have noticed the panning bug.

I also tried to run all things on flash once. I copied both RFX setup and Multisetup into flash memory, to see if reading from that RAM made any difference, but I found no solution with that. If the machine anyways copy the current settings from flash to some edit-buffer in CPU RAM it would of cause make no difference if the CPU RAM is the prob.

I really hate this bug. I'd really like to use the RFX with my sampler, but being unable to use the pan pots is just beyond what I will accept. This beast sampler can fire some trance hoovers off that will make even a JP8000 look puny, and with those RFX reverbs etc. this beast is perfectly capable of working on it's own! ... but with good presets comes the need to pan voices left and right etc. Damit why don't they just fix this problem!? ... It cannot be that they do not have enough info...

I've got the 1820m connected to my sampler now, and unfortunately, the effects algorithms in that is just not even close to the RFX in quality and flexibility. I really hope they will convert those RFX effects to the 1820m in the future as I've read they might (some emu guy if I recall right).

As I see it, there are four major bugs that need fixing:

1. Panning bug
2. Output burst bug (never witnessed that one though)
3. RFX Setup setting faulty-memorization (the effects placed on busses don't remember the settings of the effect type and mix value... verry irritating!).
4. Buggy floppy drive code...

And then it would be nice to have the MIDI specification made up to date, or rather up to the OS. The RFX is not controllable, and not all cords can be accessed, so making a good remote control using MIDI is not possible...

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby razmo » Sat May 15, 2004 11:16 am

And as a small compensation for our loss in working time, EMU could also do this niftly little thing to throw in, all the extra filter types of the Proteus family modules!!! ... It's the same architechture as the sampler, so that must surely be possible... and easy! ... :O)

Also, I think it would be really handy for people making ROMs for the Proteus familiy...

But naaaah! ... won't happen I guess...

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby bendjo » Sat May 15, 2004 8:55 pm

razmo wrote:Hi!I'd suggest you try out your rfx with headphones, and then use a mono-sample preset with a waveform that does NOT start at zero-crossing, but at max amplitude. Then pan this preset using the channel pan all the way to the left, and now press a few keys about 64 times (128 times for a 128 voice machine). After this, pan the preset all the way back to the middle and then press the keyboard repeatedly when listening carefully.

Damn! I do have the panning bug. You are correct the attack of the sample continues to sound following a hard pan to one side until all of the voices are utilized. I had trouble hearing it via headphones however the level meters do not lie. The attack was way down at about -48 db and I could notice the attack returning to the center on my monitors after the voices cycled. I also noticed the sampler refusing to pan right on my first attempt at this and the pan value sticking occasionally. These voice allocation issues can be a bitch. I remember all the trouble that waldorf went through with their XT and its mono click bug I got the impression that they would have to completely redesign the synth in order to fix the bug.
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Postby Silverman2 » Sat May 15, 2004 10:17 pm

Is this another known 4.7 bug:

When the Sampler is left on for a long time. my scsi id jumps from 0 to 7?

oh well \o/
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Postby Silverman2 » Thu May 20, 2004 5:25 pm

Day 3 without RFX card:

My Display is brighter
Sampler seems more responsive
No working out headfuck Rfx routing....nice!
No ircksome stereo bugs.
Starting to enjoy my Emu again

If in doubt rip it out :pimp:
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Postby illinformed » Sun May 23, 2004 3:05 pm

I was having a good experimental session with the emu last night and started getting the random noise burst problem. It was getting unbearable however I managed to find a way to stop it. It only happened when I sent a signal to the RFX using Submix field in the main Multimode Screen. I was sending it to Bus7. I was able to eliminate the bursts by changing the the Submix to Mixer and routing the signal to Bus7 in the RFX Mixer screen. It also eliminated it when I sent it to Bus7 inside the voice.

Normally I always program sends to RFX Bus as part of voice and this may explain why I've never noticed the burst problem before. I also noticed that the burst problem seemed to get worse when my polyphony was maxed out and also when the RFX compressor was being used. I can't remeber exaclty however I think it stopped if I sent the signal to Main in the Multimode screen - it was very late so apologies if none of this works. I was also using a friends e6400 Ultra and RFX which has the old power supply in it. I haven't tried it in mine yet which has the new supply in it.

I didnt experiment with every Bus however it would be interesting to see if anyone who frequently gets the burst problem sends their signals to the RFX via the main Multimode Screen.
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Postby art » Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:12 pm

Would anyone be interested in a class-action lawsuit against e-mu to remedy the random panning bug? We need to do something before this thing is forgotten and becomes history. I 'm sick of being walked all over by companies like e-mu.
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Postby art » Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:05 am

cowards :finger:
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Postby Silverman2 » Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:39 pm

LOL art :biglaugh:

soz I stay in uk and spent the last of my money on a state of the art sampler with a promising Fx card built in ... doh!!

:shock: :???: :cry:
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Postby WALLY » Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:38 pm

hi ! I have the RFX random panning bug, even on mono samples...
the only way to make it disappear with mono samples is to convert mono samples in stereo.
I would like to know if anyone has experimented that bug on a PLATINUM, because I plan to buy one instead of my e4XT + RFX32 + 8 OUT option.

Am I Right ? Or should I keep my e4xt ?

Does anyone have experimented the mixer section ? could the bug be right there ? because that's the panning engine.... ???

I've noticed that the bug often appears when the presets are routed to normal FX (that is to say the Multisetup does not point to any RFX setup but to MASTER FX SETUP.

I invite people to create and sign a petition.

Ok we should know how to use the RFX with the Ultra (as would say emu "tecnnicians" )
BUT it is an evidence that if EMU MAKE NO EFFORT TO HELP THEIR CUSTOMERS they will lose them for EVER . I promise Paris won't let emu products coming in ! it will be protectionism against emu.
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Postby Silverman2 » Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:29 pm

Does anyone have experimented the mixer section ? could the bug be right there ? because that's the panning engine.... ???

Never used the mixer section, have always routed preset direct to bus.
Still got the panning bug before having to convert all samples to mono.



ps. be happy to sign a petition but in the light 4.7 is 2 years old (best guess) I
don't hold much hope for Emu sorting this. I guess Emu have used us RFX owners to test new code for the X sampler, without the courtesy to fix 2 very major bugs in the operating system!

I notice the Emu techs who post on this forum have gone quiet.
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Postby razmo » Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:22 am

The random panning bug is also present on stereo samples, if you mess with the pan settings in ANY ways!!! ... Does'nt matter if it is stereo or mono samples you fiddle with, as soon as you mess with the pan settings either in the multimode, patch or whatever screen, you will experience the pan bug to some extend. If you want to get rid of that, pick the RFX OUT of your ultra! :O/

Regards, Razmo...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby art » Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:29 am

WALLY wrote:I invite people to create and sign a petition.

Ok we should know how to use the RFX with the Ultra (as would say emu "tecnnicians" )
BUT it is an evidence that if EMU MAKE NO EFFORT TO HELP THEIR CUSTOMERS they will lose them for EVER . I promise Paris won't let emu products coming in ! it will be protectionism against emu.

I like the petition idea. Why don't we do an online petition regarding the random panning bug. Take a look at this site: http://www.petitiononline.com/petition.html
Would someone be interested in coming up with the text for the petition? my writing stinks.
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Postby WALLY » Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:40 pm

Hi I've experienced good sound with e4XT EOS 4.7 and RFX, but anyone must create a multisetup pointing to a RFX setup created before (on RAM or FLASH). Then use only the MIXER or VOICE OR MAIN in the multi window.
I think when VOICE is selected, you can experience more bugs, but if needed, try to create yourself the preset as it is (don't copy) parameter after parameter you could find a way to make it work, that happened to me...
However, I can't explain clearly why a bunch of presets get that "random panning" bug, but i think it is more related to the way a preset is created into the engine of the sampler:
WITH or WITHOUT the RFX inserted in the sampler.
That means if you create your presets, you should never get the random panning bug if you use the MIXER or Voice for the RFX in the MULTI window.

direct routing to certain BUS can be totally unusable, that's why I advise you to never work that way : routing to BUS 6 - 7 - GFX1 - GFX2, whereas they work perfectly when using them in the MIXER.

Anyway I 'm not sure , I just want to fix these 2 bugs with all of you...
But keep in mind only one of them can be fixed.

Enjoy if it works for you :grin:
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