RFX EMU - keep it in one post

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Postby WALLY » Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:04 pm

Could the BUG come from that upgrade ?

THE RFX-32 Tutorial ::
The New MIX Page in EOS 4.6 for RFX Users ::
By E-MU / ENSONIQ product specialist Larry Wolfgram

It's a simple fact that a Preset Sound may have the perfect effects for stand-alone use, only to sound less than stellar when used in combination with other sounds.

No problem, just edit the % levels for each aux bus until it fits in the mix; Edit Preset, tweak, Multimode, nope!, Edit Preset, tweak, Multimode, almost!, Edit Preset, tweak, Multimode, ugh!, etc. The big drag is that you're forever changing modes, from Multi to Preset Edit, over & over...


EOS Version 4.6 has taken the drudgery out of effects mixing by adding a new parameter and a new page to the Multimode Screens for easy access to Aux/Bus assignments and Send level amounts at the MIDI Channel level! Here's how...

1. The SUBMIX parameter (main multimode screen) has added a new choice; MIXER (previously, choices were: voice, main, bus1 - 12, GFX1, GFX2). MIXER allows up to 4 buses as opposed to a single bus (Bus 3, or GFX1).

2. Press the PAGE NEXT button to see the new MIX PAGE (the MIDI control display page is now page 3). Across the top of the screen you'll see the 4 Aux choices (Main, 1, 2, &3) and their respective Send Amounts for each MIDI Channel. You can set each Aux to any RFX Bus you desire, and of course, a send level.

Managing effects routing is one of the most dreaded tasks we deal with. This new enhancement makes the process intuitive and interactive. And while it's true that this upgrade proves E-MU's commitment to continued excellence, it also shows awareness to the fact that the only GOOD features in any gadget are the ones you can actually find and use.

:roll: ;)
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Postby dugawug » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:37 am

sorry for my totally useless info, but i just wanna say i can't believe this thread is still going on! i remember being all up on this thread almost a year ago! i guess that shows you something about RFX, eh? :sad:
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Postby Silverman2 » Fri Jul 30, 2004 7:48 am

Hopefully it will embarrass Emu into releasing 4.8!
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Postby dugawug » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:06 am

yeah, but i so highly doubt they will ever release another EOS again!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby drayon » Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:14 am

well theres phat chance of an EOS update if we don't take action. The main man who designed ALL the Emulators is still at EMU and if heavily requested EMU probably will do another EOS. But like i said we need to bring our case to EMU.
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Postby dugawug » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:16 pm

i agree with that, for sure...but we started going that route at the beginning of this thread. i was big on getting the momentum going at the time, but since my bugs have been fixed, i've been melllow :spliff:

let me know if we should make some noise again
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Postby art » Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:34 pm

drayon wrote:well theres phat chance of an EOS update if we don't take action. The main man who designed ALL the Emulators is still at EMU and if heavily requested EMU probably will do another EOS. But like i said we need to bring our case to EMU.

Would you be interested in helping to create a petition?
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Postby dugawug » Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:39 pm

sure...how do you mean though?
last time we all got rowdy on this forum and encouraged one another to write EMU an email...this actually got some attention no doubt.

i think the best way would be to create one or more threads here...
one maybe giving a good detailed explanation of everyone's bugs, how they get them, etc.
then another thread telling everyone to call/email EMU until we get something in writing saying when the next release will be.

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Postby art » Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:15 pm

dugawug wrote:sure...how do you mean though?
last time we all got rowdy on this forum and encouraged one another to write EMU an email...this actually got some attention no doubt.

i think the best way would be to create one or more threads here...
one maybe giving a good detailed explanation of everyone's bugs, how they get them, etc.
then another thread telling everyone to call/email EMU until we get something in writing saying when the next release will be.


This is what I had in mind:

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Postby dugawug » Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:27 pm

this could be good in combination with a thread here telling everyone to write/call EMU.
i have relatives in from out of town right now, so i'm kind of busy.
hang tight and next week we'll get sumpin started

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Postby art » Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:30 pm

dugawug wrote:this could be good in combination with a thread here telling everyone to write/call EMU.
i have relatives in from out of town right now, so i'm kind of busy.
hang tight and next week we'll get sumpin started


Right on ! :slayer:
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Postby razmo » Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:09 am

Hi all! :grin:

Well.... all i really want, is to get a CLEAR statement from EMU about this EOS/RFX mayhem. Will bugs be fixed or not. I woukld really like to know if there is any point in waiting for anything, or just move on! ... I've picked my RFX out of the machine, and have the card just stored away to no avail... The machine works like a dream this way, but surely I'd like to use the RFX!

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby dugawug » Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:22 pm

well, my guess is that it's an obvious "NO" to any more info being provided about RFX's problems, much less to them having plans to fix the remaining bugs.

it's seriously up to us to get something started and even with all that we do it still may not ever happen.

but let's try!! :slayer: :slayer: :slayer:

look for me to start a new thread/petition/etc. sometime next week.
anyone PM me with ideas/comments/etc.
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Postby razmo » Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:44 am

Hi again!

Well... When I talked to one of the guys at tech-help at EMU, I was told, that they are aware of the problems, and that they know about the fuzz here at the forums. He also told me, that what they are waiting for, are that everyone who has these problems write the needed info to THEM, as they asked earlier on in this thread themselves (EMU). He honestly sounded like this was THE ONLY WAY that something would get fixed.

But again, there has been so many different outbursts (now that we're talking about outbursts anyways ;O) from EMU that I'm kind of confused. Are all telling the truth, or are they just waiting for the "noise" to die out? First they are attending the problem, then they are waiting for user-info, then they would need the work done by EMU people for no money, and only their good will... the list just goes on and on! ... WHAT WILL HAPPEN, AND WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US!? ... I would certainly like a response that went: You do that and that for us, and we fix the bugs for you then! ... or at least a: The bugs won't be fixed ever! ... forget it!

Honestly I believe that EVERYONE who has an RFX in their machine actually has those bugs. They can be darn hard to hear on some configurations, and are dependable upon how you use the machine. Anyone saying that they HAVE NOT got these bugs, should really test for them, cause I believe, that if it can be proved that NO RFX will work like it's supposed to, that we then have the best of opportunities to demand a fix. I did not pay $800 for something that does not work! ... Actually I'm really in a mood right now, where I don't give a f.. about them fixing the bugs, but then I want my money back!

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby Silverman2 » Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:02 pm

Are all telling the truth, or are they just waiting for the "noise" to die out?

I can only speak for myself, but as mentioned earlier on this thread I sent Steve Hodge 2 emu banks which had a bugged outburst problem 2 years ago , along with details of my sampler.

I think Emu are well aware of the bugs but won't/can't fix them.
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