RFX EMU - keep it in one post

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Postby dugawug » Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:06 pm

ok, i'm checking out the online petition...i can start on that soon.
i'm thinking the best would be to have this petition simply for demanding a bug free EOS version and having as many people signing it as possible.

then also setting up a thread here for us all to give the details that EMU requested on page 3 of this thread so everyone can write their response to EMU all on one thread.

then possibly another thread simply telling everyone to write EMU themselves with that info, or at least to point out that they've signed the petition and would like to see a new version of EOS. this would be a good way to track how many people are actually helping and writing EMU.

ezman, r u cool with all this?
any ideas on how you could help?
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Postby Silverman2 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:18 am

Just thought I'd point out we're over 4000 views on this thread and not a peep from emu.


"Is that a record Roy?"

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Postby WALLY » Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:20 pm

I had never read the posts concerning the DRAM. I've found 2 x 8 Mo EDO RAM, I don't know if they gonna work but i'll try.
First I'm going to build a preset with mono and stereo samples inside and hear if the random panning bug is still there.
I'll tell you the final results in a week, hope it's going to be positive.

I don't know if Emulator X is better than EMU 4, anyway zuonics and emu could have manage to work together and emu could have offer us ZOEOS WITH RFX REMOTE ---> it will never exist just because EMU doesn't seem to know its own RFX code !

I had bought the SOUNDBLASTER GOLD AWE64 with 16 MO FLASHROM, there were some problems in the driver structure too..............................CREATIVE looks like a contemporary factory : money VS professional products
Maybe one day they will sell you EUGENICS ears :biglaugh: and you'll look like the poor old woman in the movie " AD VITAM ETERNAM " who says she's got a contract with ... E-MU lol ;)
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Postby art » Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:53 am

Hey dugawug, hows the petition going?

Also, I've noticed every published picture of the RFX Ive seen is different from my hardware. In the photos on EMU's site, plus every (old) ad Ive seen, the twin transisters to the right of each R-Chip are gone. Instead there is just one transister just below the lower R-Chip. See photo: http://www.synthman.com/emu/Html/Images/303401.jpg

And the revision I have: http://www1.keyboards.de/magazine/m0501/emu.jpg

Can anyone confirm there are in fact two RFX hardware revisions? And if so has the random panning nug been tested on both?
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Postby art » Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:29 am

The link to the RFX revision I do not have again: http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp ... ncategory=
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Postby drsdncodex » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:10 am

hi everybody.
just wanted to add a post as i also experienced this problem several times on my emu.
When playing breaks or short samples they randomly sound louder on one side or another....
the only way i found to fix it, is to use mono samples and pan them on one side in an rfx bus, for breaks and other short samples.
You can still use your RFX sends with an external mixer re-sending the break to the emu... It's a bit of a pain but its an alternative.
I wrote to emu but as everybody they answered asking me tons of details to pass on to the tech support but......nothing ever again.
very sad.
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Postby info » Sat Nov 13, 2004 11:05 pm

Silverman2 wrote:Just thought I'd point out we're over 4000 views on this thread and not a peep from emu.


"Is that a record Roy?"


No it's not a record. You're living in the world of idealism if you think that E-MU are going to be concerned with a situation that provides them with no income. Remember, mid-to-large corporate enterprise works by employing "drones" who are trained to think only in terms of the "company" and it's profits. E-MU no longer sell or manufacture RFX cards so why on earth would they give a flying sausage how many people need assistance - they have your money already.

It's business - and mid-to-large corporate business is inherently unethical. So many people working for large comapnies think they are in a good job and are providing well for their families - but in fact every single day they go to work they accumulate negative karma - forget about it - it's not going to happen. Business is business - and business is inherently unethical.

Individuals are not at fault - the collective mind of the corporation is - don't ever blame individuals at E-MU - only the concept of the corporation itself - marginalization is ubiqitous and is not going to go away anytime soon.

If you wish to understand this more I reccommend you read Noam Chomsky.
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Postby illinformed » Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:02 pm

Wowsers, that sort of reply would make me want to go out and buy Zoeos even if I didnt have an emu :grin:

To be honest I've had enought of moaning about emu however I feel the need to list the bugs is still important as hopefully one day Emu will open source Eos. As someone posted earlier, it will more than likely be up to a new company to develop the new software. (Did I hear somewhere that the ASIO4ALL drivers work better with the new cards than the official drivers ;))

We'll probably have to wait until Emulator x0x0 mark II cards as I have a feeling they are using alot of the old Emu technology/programming on their new cards. Whether or not that will happen is a puzzle as I get the impression that the new Emu are a bunch of cut and pasters. It's a damn shame that the old Emu are no more however not surprising as their teaming up with Creative was a tell tale sign that it's all about selling units. I can remember being told off (probably by a programmer or a marketing guy wanting to shift the remaining rfx units) for posting on a fourm about a software update that didn't solve the panning problem. It makes me wonder what happened to the old school Emu guys.

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Postby Silverman2 » Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:44 pm

No it's not a record. You're living in the world of idealism if you think that E-MU are going to be concerned with a situation that provides them with no income.

That's untrue Emu hardware and RFX cards sales provided much of the R&D
costs for the Emulator X code.

All we ever wanted was a bug free operating system.

Before this thread really kicked of there were Emu tech's posting on this forum.

You don't have to lecture me on the ethics of large corporations and I have already read many Chomsky articles though I find his books a little too dry and long winded. :grin:
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Postby The Chosen 1 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:11 am

Can any1 offer help?,
Ive had problems with the plugins ive downloaded.
for the vocoder as i loaded the plugin,
it loaded a jupitersynth on preset 01
and left a 'preset couldnt find approriate plugin!' error message
also it wouldnt leave a plugin name to copy like the others.
same with the grungefx.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
any1 got the remedy?oh yeah I 4got 2 mention who knows where I can download other plugins like ring modul8r and compressor ????? if so are they bug free????
The Chosen 1
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Postby misanthrop » Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:39 pm

have an e6400 ultra 128 voices, rfx 32, adat rfx expansion, eos 4.7 .
i only get the panning bug
when routing the buses directly to outputs. when i use the
mixer and then send them to bus 6 or whatever, i?ve NO problems.

hope that helps ...someone .. maybe ..

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Postby razmo » Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:46 pm

OK! ... I promised to give sound when and if I made EMU refund the RFX card I bought in 2001 when it was released. They accepted to take back the RFX and give me a full refund in cash, so I'm happy now! No more RFX troubles! ...

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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so is that it?

Postby somsay » Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:36 pm

now its dec 22 2004...

i was going to buy one from ebay for 800...

luckly i didnt...

so is the verdict final?

dont buy and rfx-32 second hand or from anywhere!

can we post this as a sticky or make a nice sign on this site so everyone...including the emus techs who took peoples money to fund their R&D production for the Piece of Crap (PC) based emulator X crap!

I hear the bells!


Creative Crap!

business is business though!
hardware samplers are not a hot selling item anymore!
should emu be responsible for being taken over by a company that gave it an option to stay in business?
Emu was on its way down!
Imagine the guy who started it...the market told him that if he doesnt accept being taken over...then he can live to see everything being taken over by creditors...

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Re: so is that it?

Postby illinformed » Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:08 am

In my opinion the random panning bug makes the RFX completely unuseable when recording sounds from the emu. If anything serious has to be committed to hard disk or tape then the RFX needs to be removed.

The effects by themselves are fairly average but when layered you can get some really interesting results. It's great as a sound generation tool and I find myself resampling an awful lot of sounds that have come from the RFX.

It's also handy for live use as it means I can leave a few external FX boxes at home.

I have moaned an awful lot in this thread about the RFX but only because the panning problem would more than likely be cured by better software. If only Emu could allow another company access to the source code but I get the impression they're holding on to it all because alot of it is being used in the new 0x0x cards. I've been reading about Emu refunding owners of RFX cards if they send them back to them, I wonder if they're taking the chips out and putting them in their new cards (at least the software semi works with those cards ;))
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Postby misanthrop » Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:29 pm

i?m wondering if anybody recognises the same "good" experiences like me when using the adat ouputs via the mixer as described 3-4 posts earlier. everything works perfectly...
no rfx bugs ...
anyone else ?
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