RFX EMU - keep it in one post

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Postby MFPhouse » Sun May 15, 2005 5:13 pm

skywalker wrote:Hi Everyone,

The thread seems to have gone very quite... :0

I spoke to EMU in Ireland two weeks ago about my PSU and the RFX. The lady i spoke to works with Dave the founder of EMU. She called me back last week about arranging a meeting with EMU...

Who in this forum would like to come and talk to EMU about Open sourcing EOS and the RFX card?

I am also interested in maybe pooling money to sue EMU - your thoughts on this please....

forgot to add, legally we have a case. EMU have sold us equipment that was not working correctly, but was advertised and sold as doing so.

Trading standards love this sort of stuff :grin:


What exactly do you want to reach thereby?
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Postby skywalker » Sun May 15, 2005 6:10 pm

Either what we all paid for - a working solution that was finished.

One more OS update will do it.
Either we do it ourselves or we get emu to do it.
Zuonics need the sysex code finishing for remote control.
An SDK for the plugins. Then others like myself can right there own.


Justice served - Creative took the EMU branding and re-badged the audigy cards, with updated drivers + the emulator x soft sampler and have left us for dead. 4000 people is alot of musicians, this industry is very small in comparison to the corporate IT market. Also I am speculating that Creative are planning to release an Audio PC under the EMU badge... Another item we will have helped fund. Trading Standards are interested in looking in to the case and with money and people you can move mountains. Legally they have taken money under false pretense.

At present we all have samplers that we can't use, that we paid good money for on the basis of the RFX card (some of us did). In 1999 I bought an E4XT ULTRA with knowledge about the RFX card coming. I could have bought a K2500S.... which is still supported and knocks spots of a working EMU with RFX card.

Instead I have an unfinished product that doesn't do what it was advertised to do, with the RFX card respectively.

do u have a RFX card?
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Postby MFPhouse » Sun May 15, 2005 6:50 pm

skywalker wrote:....
do u have a RFX card?

I have two RFX Cards.

(In E4XT and E4 Platinum)
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Postby art » Sun May 15, 2005 7:40 pm

skywalker wrote:
I am also interested in maybe pooling money to sue EMU - your thoughts on this please....

forgot to add, legally we have a case. EMU have sold us equipment that was not working correctly, but was advertised and sold as doing so.

Trading standards love this sort of stuff :grin:


How much money did you have in mind for the lawsuit?

Also, have you contacted Trading Standards?..Sounds like a great idea.
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Postby VDS » Sun May 15, 2005 7:56 pm

hello everybody!

nice to hear that there could be a "light at the end of the tunnel"......but I hope it isn?t a train!!!!!

I have an E4xt ultra with a RFX card,RFX ADAT and RFX analog expansion, and have all the 4.7 bugs like outputbursts, panning bug,midifile import with floppy and so on.

I had bought a second RFX card and have the same bugs with this card.
I?m in this forum since the first days and read all about the RFX problems and the EOS 4.7
I also checked up another flash-ram. But with no positive results

In my opinion it is not so important to have the FAT system. But it would very good to have the compressor plug-in!
So I had written several emails to EMU in the last two years, if there is a way to re-programm the compressor plug-in to the old plug-in structure (EOS 4.61).
I can?t believe that it would be so difficult to do this.
But nothing happens.........

In the next two weeks I want to buy an E5000 ultra with the serial number 090104676. So I have no problems with the power supply and can test this unit with the two RFX cards an the ohter RFX options.
It seemed to be, that there are a few E5000 with RFX, who has no problems with their units.

By the way, my Emulator III has also a panning bug! Is it possible that this bug is in every Emulator generation?

I hope that Emu "give us" the EOS code, so we have the possibillity to make a final bugfree EOS and hundreds of happy user!!!

Greetings from Germany

Christian van der Sanden
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Postby honest bob II » Fri May 20, 2005 9:25 am

Why the lack of replies to Skywalkers post ?
Surely (if he's genuine) this could be a major step towards gettin what we want ?

Any more news Sky ?
honest bob II
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Postby VDS » Fri May 20, 2005 11:35 am

With the young "Skywalker" we have "A New Hope"!

But it seemed to be that a lot of Ultra and RFX user, hasen?t no interests anymore...

I will never give up, and believe in a final EOS!

Have a nice weekend!

Christian van der Sanden
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Postby Klaseed » Fri May 20, 2005 4:04 pm

Oops, I missed the post altogether.

I'd be interested in talking to Emu, although I can't exactly hop over to Ireland any time soon :mrgreen:

However, I think if the opportunity exists to get our samplers working as they should, we all should do what we can to take it.
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Postby honest bob II » Fri May 20, 2005 6:16 pm

keep us informed Skywalker - or are you actually someone from the dark side here to test our metal ?
..... hope not ... seems like the force isn't with us at the moment !
honest bob II
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Meeting with EMU

Postby info » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:09 pm

skywalker wrote:
Who in this forum would like to come and talk to EMU about Open sourcing EOS and the RFX card?

Hi, this is Paul @Zuonics. I would like to attend such a meeting if it ever takes place.
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Postby skynet » Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:21 am

ezZ Emu Dawg's...

Here's my 2 cents worth!

Ive been using EMU samplers for nearly the last 10 years, E6400 & then upgraded to the Platinum. I stopped using the EMU about 3 years ago because the software work flow out shined the hardware unit. I since sold my platinum to much regret now as I never had a problem of any such random panning effect with that unit. But recently I decided that Im going back in on the EMU so I purchased a E5000 Ultra with RFX & ADAT already fitted.

Only to fucking come across this stupid bug...Firstly It's bollox!

So needless to say Ive been on the blower to EMU tech in the USA, to my surprise nothing was mentioned to me about what has been said on here, so ive just read every single post & thought its about time this shit gets sorted out once & for all.

So after some tests of my own I have agree with Razmo (btw:this guy is on it) Its the the stereo & mono issue with voice allocation. I tried every kind of test possible on 4.6 & 4.7 & by just keep everything in mono I dont get any panning issue's! which is a work around for the moment but still its a simple bug that could quite easy be fixed with low cost to EMU. Far less than a law suit or the EOS code cracked & leaked!

About EMU: The no further updating of the EOS is not there fault...as mentioned before in this thread they are controlled & owned totally by Creative Labs! So its all Business & about $$$$$ to those guys they dont give a shit about us.

But saying that Im sure the real hardcore guys from the old EMU (the ones that are behind the beast of all samplers the "E4") would be up for fixing these bugs on the side! Im sure this was & still is there prize creation & would really love to be able to continue with the EOS but are in a tight position to do so.

Now what if these Bods behind the EOS & RFX..."Bob Bliss" "Steve Hoge" "Brian Clark" "Colin Clark" "Eduaro Trama" "Tony Dean" the list goes on...why dont we try to get those guys to fix up there Baby in there own time for the love of what they created & to show some love to us for supporting & believing in what they did...& we all still do btw!

Lets get those cats to sort this small bug out, Im sure they can & would if we could track them down & convince them. I know for sure that left up to creative Labs that the EOS is long gone,its never going to happen & making the EOS open source will never happen thats for sure!
Maybe in a few years when they work out that the Emulator X is rubbish & dont sound half as good as the E4 + its a total CPU hog they may bring back to life a new E5 ;)

Until then we need to hunt down these people & ask them respectively to sort out this problem on there own time. It may take then a little time to fix it, but im sure it wont be hard. The main issue here is really the Panning Bug as Im sure you will all agree & if its not to much of a problem while there at it,, the bursts that people are reporting in 4.7.

What if they started a pre paid EOS update list, were lets say we all chip in $50 to make it worth while as Im sure they wont get paid from "CL"
Clearly we should get this sorted free of charge but in the real world of huge Corps these days that aint going to happen.

It would be well worth the $50 to have a tidy working EMU & RFX's card

Thoughts Please.



PS: "EMU" ....If you never update the EOS & fix these problems some day someone is going to hack your code & leak that shit all over the place. Think about it EMU,, never under estimate the powers of the jilted Underground!!! It well within your interest to make good just to protect the EOS Code & thats without the law suit that you could have on your hands too...

here's a documented evidence that EMU knew about this problem & said they had fixed this bug in 4.6! http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/May02/a ... urfx32.asp see near the bottom of the page "EOS 4.6 Edited highlights"
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Postby misanthrop » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:41 pm

true words from a 110% original dnb legend!
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Postby Klaseed » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:47 pm

Agreed! I've got $50 on it, easy! I may be able to get some contact info for some of those guys, so I'll try that out (no promises, but it IS nice to work in the industry :P) and let you guys know.

Skynet - much MCUH respect, glad to see you're on here!
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Postby wigworld » Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:03 pm

I'd happily pay $50 - I just need to find a RFX card first :grumble:
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Postby MFPhouse » Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:18 am

i think $50 are no problem for the most of the Emu-boys here.
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