Ez all...
Well, I checked out the Platinum & sure enough it does the randow panning bug...I think u will find that 99% of all machines with the RFX card installed will do this! The people that say there machines are ok I think will find that the way they are using them stops them hearing this bug...Im mean I used the E4 Platinum via adat running into Logic, the beats & perc I had on mono channels...I.e Adat 1&2 panned L & panned R 2 beats coming through on each channel. Then of course you dont hear the panning bug, you only get the bug on fast attack sounds (BEATS & PERC)on stereo channel's,, so any other sounds I doubt you would cause this effect. so if people out there are using the sub outs & have them on different channels to the desk & dont play the beats out of L&R then you will never have a problem, well you'll never notice the problem anyway!
That is one good work around & it does work fine, as for the random bursts Ive not come across that at all...the only time that happens is when you enter the RFX edit page & go between them when the EMU is in use.
Still after saying all that its still bollox that EMU have left a few stupid little bugs in there!
To be honest I dont think that these will be fixed ever, but im sure someone will be able to crack the EOS shortly

only needs the Eprom to be hacked & EMU's EOS secrets are out the bag...Who knows EMU, maybe someone out there has already done it & will be cloning a soft sampler based on all you hard work! THANKS! thats what ya get for being cunts! fuck us & we will be sure to try & fuck u!
There's a lot of clever people out there that can work round patent's all day long...Your loss, Our gain...
Play hard ball with the people that supported you for so many years then you leave them with no option but to hack your EOS, I also know that there are only about 4-5 people at EMU that know the EOS code. Emu are very worried about leaks of this code & I cant wait to see that shit leaked all over the place. I still cant understand why they wouldn't just fix the EOS for that reason alone!!
So any brain boxes out there that are willing to help us, just let me know
PS what ever happened about that lawsuit?? The doors are sealed shut at EMU now, so fuck em no loyalty there.